This puzzle was a collaboration with Adam Cowan. We mass produced a run of Helicopter Cubes. The design was later knocked off at least once, and so we were not able to make more mass produced puzzles as a team.
Pico Cube 9mm – Briefly the World’s Smallest Rubik’s Cube – 4/1/2010
This puzzle was posted on April 1st with an image containing “photoshop” in the name to make people think it was an April fool’s joke.
Here’s a picture of the new Picocube design with a thumb tack!
Hey everyone! As Dave said, this puzzle has been in the works for a long time. It’s fully functional, and yep, it’s real. Finally…
I couldn’t resist posting it on April 1st and adding Photoshop to the name. The irony is that the image was actually cropped and resized with Gimp. So as far as that goes…. April Fools!
Anyway, here’s another picture! It’s 9mm on an edge.
I’m hoping to get a macro lens video going soon.

Here are some making of images that weren’t included originally.